Award-winning educator in culture-transforming Professional Developments

Strategic Principles That Maximize Instructional Empowerment, staff well-being, and enhanced student engagement and success

Award-winning educator in culture-transforming Professional Developments

Strategic Principles That Maximize Instructional Empowerment, staff well-being, and enhanced student engagement and success


A Recovering Educator Prospective.

Look at Curtis’ Inspiring Video

What’s Up? I’m Curtis

Professional Development Speaker & Trainer

I’m a recovering teacher who left teaching inside the classroom to teach the nation. As a result, I’m one of the most sought speakers and trainers for Fortune 50, 100 and 500 companies and School Districts nationwide. In addition, I was an educator for over fifteen years, so I know all about professional development and its importance on student and educator success.

Whether you are planning P.D. week, P.D. series, or a major conference, I will work with you to Create A Culture Of Belonging®: That Maximizes People, Practices, and Performance.

As you know, there is a teacher shortage nationwide, and retaining good-quality teachers should be our main priority. Providing opportunities for Educators to Create Life-Work Balance will help them avoid burnout and thrive in and out of the classroom.

I provide practical Professional Development that will engage and inspire but, most importantly, model a level of teaching that can be transferred into everyday practice.

My Most Popular P.D.S Are

If you are looking for a teacher who can connect with your staff on a deeper level, get started here.

  • Create A Culture Of Belonging®: That Maximizes People, Practices, and Performance.
  • Differentiation Is The Secret Weapon To Educator Success
  • Equity Begins With An I.E.P. For Every Educator
  • Inclusion Provides the L.R.E.
  • Managing The Chaos Of Teaching

Professional Development Topics

Create A Culture Of Belonging®

The Culture Of Belonging® strategy presented in this PD empowers the audience to transcend superficial judgments, underscoring the importance of cultivating profound connections and value with others. It vividly demonstrates how this transformation can significantly enhance individuals, academic outcomes, and teacher efficacy.

This program is perfect for:

  • Navigating the Complexities of Belonging: Addressing the multifaceted aspects of belonging that impact student well-being and school engagement, which can pose challenges in creating a cohesive educational environment.
  • Investing in Positive Change: Tackling the arduous journey of implementing positive changes and overcoming obstacles to achieve sustainable and long-term cultural transformation within the school community.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: Facing the formidable task of fostering a sense of belonging while managing the intricacies of school dynamics and continuously striving to promote inclusivity and eliminate exclusion among students and staff.

Your Audience Will:

  • Embrace a new framework for understanding Belonging. 
  • A strategic roadmap to creating a place where people feel noticed, named, known, and needed.
  • A new shared language from real-time learning, conversations, and explorations.

Differentiation is the Secret Weapon to Educator Success

Unlocking The Power Of Customization

Differentiation customizes the educators’ journey, enhancing performance by valuing each individual’s uniqueness through organic and dynamic learning. This strategic approach benefits educators at all Belonging levels and delivers tailored corporate education to the right educators at the right time.

This program is perfect for:

  • Administrators and educators entrusted with creating an inclusive culture.
  • Administrators who oversee talent acquisition and management.
  • Change management experts seeking to provide assurance to all stakeholders.

Your Audience Will:

  • Gain insights into creating meaningful moments. 
  • Create a deliberate framework for daily interactions. 
  • Design a Culture Of Belonging® Total Rewards P.B.I.S.® (Performance-Based Incentive System)

Equity Begins With An I.E.P.

Nurturing Success Through Personalized Pathways

The IEP (Individualized Employee Plan) paves the way for employee success, aligning employment goals and achievements with Belonging Progress Monitoring®. It promotes collaboration among executives, leaders, and employees to elevate Culture Of Belonging® results, serving as the cornerstone for employee retention, satisfaction, and developmental tracking.

Culture-transforming DEI workshops

This program is perfect for:

  • Administrators/Educators who recognize that Belonging is an invaluable investment in human capital.
  • Change Management Experts who aspire to foster an environment where every individual can bring their authentic selves to the workplace.
  • Those who grasp that Belonging is a strategic imperative value each stakeholder as unique while fostering a sense of belonging.

Your Audience Will:

  • Complete an IEP template to provide a peephole into what motivates them.
  • Communicate what progress monitoring is and how to implement it.
  • Lead difficult conversations in a nonthreatening manner with a hands-on approach to stabilize turbulent times. Inclusion Provides the LRE
Culture-transforming DEI workshops

Inclusion Provides the LRE


The LRE provides exclusive access to opportunities and resources that typically evade the average employee which can prevent both employees and employers from experiencing the dynamic synergy that arises when diverse learning styles converge. The LRE bridges the gaps between departments, generations, social backgrounds, and racial divides.

This program is perfect for:

  • Administrators/Educators who desire to go deep into Belonging practices rather than wide.
  • Change management professionals who are striving to implement interdisciplinary strategies.
  • Administrators who want to grant opportunities to potential hires or promote potential candidates who might need more experience.

Your Audience Will:

  • Build an inclusive culture and increase academic outcomes.
  • Design specialized programs to shift Tiers 1-3 to increase and exceed grade-level standards.
  • Discuss interpersonal differences in a non-threatening environment to increase inclusion and intersectionality.

Ten Reasons To Book Curtis For Your Next Event


High Ratings

“You were sooooooo fantastic – truly one of the best speakers I’ve ever worked with! You were the highest rated speaker of the entire DC East Conference, with a score of 4.91 out of 5 – slightly short of absolute perfection.”



“… honestly, I’m over participating in pointless professional developments because they’re so generic and not helpful. However, your presentation was so engaging and informative that I wish we could have you present yearly!”


Exceeds Expectations

“This presentation exceeded my expectations, not because my expectations were low, but because you explained DEI in ways I’ve never heard before. Thank you”.



“This was one of the best DEI presentations I have ever attended…and I have attended a lot. I appreciate the interactive activities and the thought provoking stories. I have so much to take back to my firm and am so grateful for you. Thank you!!”



“I really enjoyed your presentation. It was funny and uplifting. I have been teaching for 21 years, and I reflect a lot on what I’m doing. Your talk made me feel like I am on the right track.”



“Had the best time I ever had during a PD and guest speaker! Haven’t laughed this much during a keynote ever! Thank you for your time and story! You have a gift!”



“I liked your presentation. I feel that the way that you connect with us educators is the same way that I hope to connect with my own students. Joy factor is something that I think we start off trying to bring into our classrooms but we lose sight of it when things get hard. After listening to your presentation I have a renewed energy to try to bring joy into my classroom not only for my students but also for me. Thank you for speaking to and with us.”



“Your presentation was relevant, impactful, and informative”



“I thought your presentation was very insightful and helpful in getting my mindset right for this upcoming school year! You are a great speaker and had my attention the entire time, and I have ADHD so that is saying a lot! Thank you for your time and insight today!”


Provides Hope

“You are the best presenter I’ve seen at a teacher PD. I took notes and walked away challenged to do even better than I had planned this year. I’m pregnant and concerned about losing the community I build when I go on leave but I’m determined to do it. Thanks for your hope, love and inspiration. Keep building cultural competency, Ive been on a personal mission for 10 years to build the same wherever I teach. It was even my master’s thesis, so I understand the work, keep pressing on!”